The Rules of Silk Road Youth International Photography Competition
总 则
General Principle
In August 2017, Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance was officially founded after a signing ceremony joined by belt and road countries. In order to conform to the alliance’s tenet of “inherit the Silk Road spirit, focus on the Belt and Road development, enhance innovation, cooperation and development, adhere to reciprocity and win-win strategy”, and with the aim of practicing the photography exchanges among silk road countries, promoting cross - boundary integration and innovation development of diverse cultures, and strengthening youth photography education and communication among member states, Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance specially initiated the Silk Road Youth International Photography Competition in cooperation with Beijing China Millennium Monument World Art Center, Beijing International Art and Photography Foundation, Shandong International Cultural Exchange Center and made the below competition rules:
第一章 参赛要求
Chapter One Requirements of Participation
第一条 参赛者要求
Article One Requirements of Participants
1、 凡一带一路沿线国家年龄在8-25周岁之间的青少年摄影爱好者均可参加。
All adolescent who take interests in photography between 8-25 years old from B& R countries can participate.
2、 世界各国(非丝路沿线国家)符合年龄条件的青少年,凡是拍摄丝路国家题材和内容的作品均可参赛。
Adolescents that meet the age condition from countries other than B & R region can participate with works concerning Silk Road theme and contents.
3、 竞赛将分为AB两组,其中A组面向8-15周岁青少年;B组面向16-25周岁青少年,AB两组均可参加单幅作品及组照作品评选。
The competition will be divided into two groups: A and B. Group A will target at adolescents from 8 to 15 years old; Group B will target at adolescents from16 to 25 years old. Both A and B groups can participate in the single works and group works.
第二条 参赛作品要求
Article Two Requirements of Entries
1、 内容要求:拍摄内容及题材均不受限制,但提倡表现丝路沿线国家人文生活、自然景观、世界遗产及当地风情的作品参赛。
Content requirement: the work contents and themes are open ended. Works that express the cultural life, natural landscape, world heritage and local customs are recommended.
2、提交要求:Requirements of Submission
Each participant can submit at most 10 pieces (groups) for single works and group works.
Participants should submit their works along with picture introduction or explanation of more than 30 characters.
Each entry works should be in JPEG format and not less than 4MB.
Participants should submit works in electronic files to designated mailbox.
3、特别说明:Special Instructions
The works copy right must be clearly defined.
Additional instruction are required if later post processing was used.
The quantity of each group photos work should be within 10 pictures.
The original file should be provided if necessary.
第三条 参赛文件要求
Article Three Requirements of entries
The participants should fill in the entry form faithfully. Participants within Chinese territory should fill in the form in Chinese, while participants outside Chinese territory should fill in the form in English.
第二章 评选流程、奖项设置
Chapter Two Assessment Process and Awards Setting
第四条 时间安排
Article Four Schedule
2017年10月15日:北京国际摄影周官网http://www.bjipw.cn发布竞赛信息,开放作品提交地址: 邮箱 sryipc@gehua.com
October 15th, 2017: Photo Beijing official website (http://www.bjipw.cn) publishes the contest information and submission address: Email sryipc@gehua.com
June 30th, 2018: Entries closed;
July 20th, 2018: evaluation of works;
August 10th, 2018: the selected works will be displayed in Photo Beijing official website
September 10th, 2018: edit and publish the album
In late October 2018: during Photo Beijing, the exhibition and award ceremony of winning works will be held in China Millennium Monument. After the exhibition, itinerant exhibition will be held in Silk Road countries.
第五条 奖项设置
Article Five Awards setting
1、“丝路之光” 金奖(AB组各3名)
“The light of Silk Road" Gold Award (3 winners for Group A and B respectively)
Award trophy, certificate, portfolio, competition souvenir medal and prizes (worth 5,000 yuan)
2、“丝路之光” 银奖(AB组各5名)
“The light of Silk Road" Silver Award (5 winners for Group A and B respectively)
Award trophy, certificate, portfolio, competition souvenir medal and prizes (worth 3,000 yuan)
3、“丝路之光” 铜奖(AB组共30名)
“The light of Silk Road" Bronze Award(30 winners for Group A and B in total)
Award trophy, certificate, portfolio, competition souvenir medal and prizes (worth 2,000 yuan)
4、“丝路之光” 优秀奖(AB组共120名)
“The light of the Silk Road" Excellence Award (120 winners for Group A and B in total)
Certificate, portfolio, competition souvenir medal and prizes (worth 500 yuan)
5、“丝路之光”优秀指导教师奖 (国内20/国际10名)
“The light of the Silk Road" Excellence Tutor Award (20 for domestic and 10 for international)
Certificate, and competition souvenir medal and prizes (worth 500 yuan)
6、“丝路之光”最佳组织奖15名 (国內10名/国际5名)
“The light of the Silk Road" Excellence Organization Award (10 for domestic and 5 for international)
Certificate, and competition souvenir medal of “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance Youth Photography Education Base”
7、"丝路之光″优秀组织奖 30名 (国内20名/国际10名),对竞赛组织工作优秀的单位颁发"丝路国家青少年国际摄影竞赛优秀组织奖″,颁发证书,奖牌。
Award certificates of honor to excellent organizations and training institutions involved in the competition.
第六条 参赛者权利
Article Six Rights of the participants
The entries will have the opportunity to participate in the special exhibitions of Photo Beijing and itinerant exhibition activities in China nationwide.
The entries will have the opportunity to participate in the itinerant exhibition activities in member countries of the Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance.
The entries and participants’ introduction will have the opportunity to be published in the official websites of the Photographic Organizations of silk road countries and the official websit of Photo Beijing
The winning entries will have the opportunity to be selected into “Excellent Portfolio of Silk Road Youth International Photography Competition”. The winners will have the opportunity to participate in the shooting of the publicity film of the competition.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in the sodality of Silk Road Youth International Photography Competition.
Winners of “The light of Silk Road" Gold Award , “The light of Silk Road" Silver Award and “The light of the Silk Road" Outstanding Organization Award will be invited to participate in the awarding ceremony of Photo Beijing, and participate in activities like lectures, workshops, media meetings etc.
第七条 参赛者义务
Article Seven Obligations of the participants
The participants confirm that all works submitted in entry period are created by themself originally. The participants shall ensure that they have full copyright of the submitted works, and do not violate any laws and regulations.
The participants shall not cancel the agreement of authorizing free, permanent non-exclusive rights and licenses throughout the world to Photo Beijing and co-sponsors, allowing them to use submitted works in media promotion and news release related to “Silk Road Youth International Photography Competition” through various channels.
3、 凡投稿参赛者均将视为接受本次活动相关的约定和条款,包含并不限于在合作期内,参加与本活动相关的作品展示、项目成果分享以及产品使用体验分享会等项目的邀请及安排。
All participants will be deemed to accept the terms and conditions of this event, including but not limited to participating in the works presentations, project achievements sharing and product use experience sharing etc. related to this event.
第四章 组委会及相关机构设置
Chapter Four: The structure of Organizing Committee and Relevant Institutions
第八条 组委会设置
Article Eight The structure of the Organizing Committee
名誉主席:里加尔多·布西 国际摄联主席、丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟名誉主席
Honorary Chairman: Riccardo Busi, President of FIAP, Honorary Chairman of “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance”
主席:杨元惺 中国艺术摄影学会主席、丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟主席
Chairman: Yang Yuanxing, Chairman of China Artistic Photography Society, Chairman of “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance”
曾毅 中国摄影家协会策展委员会委员、丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟创始人
约安尼斯·利库里斯 国际摄影艺术联合会秘书长
张小苏 中国艺术摄影学会副主席
Executive Chairman:
Zeng Yi, committee member of China Photographers Association Curatorial Committee, founder of the “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance”
Ioanns Lykouris Secretary General of FIAP
Zhang Xiaosu, Vice Chairman of China Artistic Photography Society
王建琪 中国艺术摄影学会副主席、北京国际摄影周策划委员会总策划
Secretary General
Wang Jianqi, Vice Chairman of China Artistic Photography Society、Chief Planner of The Planning Committee of Photo Beijing
工作委员会办公室成员 Organizing Committee Office Members
黄春雷 北京歌华文化发展集团副总经理、北京歌华文化中心有限公司董事长、北京国际摄影周组委会办公室常务副主任
Huang Chunlei, Vice General Manager of Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group, President of Beijing Gehua Cultural Center Co.,Ltd, Executive Deputy Director of Photo Beijing
董靓 全国青少年摄影教育指导委员会副主任、副秘书长、丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟青少年摄影委员会主任
Executive Deputy Director
Dong Liang, Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary of National Youth Photography Education Steering Committee, Director of Youth Photography Committee of Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance
朱洪宇 中国摄影家协会策展委员会委员、中国艺术摄影学会理事、副秘书长、北京国际摄影周组委会办公室副主任
杨书娟 中艺影像教育创始人、校长
金铮 丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟青少年摄影委员会秘书长
Deputy Director
Zhu Hongyu, Council and Deputy Secretary general of China Artistic Photography Society, Office Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of Photo Beijing
Yang Shujuan, Founder and Principal of China Art Network School
Jin Zheng, Secretary General of Youth Photography Committee of Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance
Jury: Jury members are made of member state representatives of “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance”
Organizing Committee Office: China Millennium Monument · World Art Museum
联系人:金铮 联系电话:86-10-84187747
谢兰 联系电话:86-10-84187768
Contacts: Jin Zheng, Tel: 86-10-84187747
Email: jinzheng@gehua.com
Xie Lan , Tel: 86-10-84187768
Email: xiel@gehua.com
第九条 主办机构
Article Nine Host
Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance
China Millennium Monument ·World Art Center
Beijing International Arts & Photography Foundation
Shandong International Cultural Exchange Center
第十条 承办机构
Article Ten Organizer
Youth Photography Committee of Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance
National Youth Photography Education Steering Committee
China Millennium Monument · World Art Museum